

美国OMEGA 欧米茄 MPJ-J-F J型热电偶面板插座,黑色,耐温220℃,扁插,J型热电偶面板插座。

OMEGA MPJ-J-F thermocouple Panel connector requires less than half of the panel area required by the standard size version. A simple push-on clip is all that is required to retain the connector in a rectangular cutout, or the optional MSS snap strip can be used to mount a row.Angled terminal screws allow wiring to be done after panel assembly.

MPJ-J-F Specification

Alloy Code: J
Compensating Alloy used in connector: Iron (+),Constantan (-)
Shell Color: Black, Color-Coded for ANSI or IEC
Temperature Range: -29 to 220°C (-20 to 425°F)
Description: Glass-Filled Nylon, OMEGA female PANEL connector

MPJ-J-F Feature

Compact Size
Easy Mount with Spring Clip
Accessible Terminal Screws
Accepts OMEGA’s as well as all Industry Standard Miniature Male Connectors
Accepts stranded or solid wire up to 0.8 mm (0.03") Dia. (20 AWG).
Combination Phillips/Slot Screws

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