

高压有源差分探头 高压有源差分探头

Leading Specifications

? 20 MHz bandwidth
? 1,000 VRMS common mode voltage
? 1,400 Vpeak differential voltage
? EN61010 Cat III
? 80dB CMRR at 50/60 Hz
? ProBus® system
? Full remote control
? Compatible with LC Series, LT Series, WS 400 Series, WS Xs Series, WR6000(A) Series, WR Xi Series, WP 900 Series, WP7000(A) Series

ADP300 high-voltage active differential probes are safe, easy-to-use probes ideally suited for measuring power electronics. The ADP300 is good for troubleshooting low-frequency power devices and other circuits where the reference potential is elevated from ground or the location of ground is unknown. The ADP305 is designed for measuring the high-speed floating voltages found in today''s high-speed power electronics.

With the ProBus® interface, the ADP30X becomes an integral part of the oscilloscope.

The attenuation, offset, and bandwidth limit are all controlled from the oscilloscope front panel or by using the remote control commands. This means the complete measurement setup can be saved and recalled by the oscilloscope, and all measurement values will be correct. The scope provides power to the probe, so there is no need to worry about a separate power supply or changing batteries.

The ADP30X offset can be easily set to zero by pushing a button in the oscilloscope''s coupling menu, even when connected to live circuits. This makes it easy to get accurate measurements.

Meets EN61010 Category III Requirements
Safety is the top priority when you work around high-voltage signals. The ADP300 and ADP305 are both designed to the standards required for Installation Category III. This means in addition to being used on appliances and portable equipment (Cat II), they can be used in fixed-installation environments. 

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